Sunday, August 30, 2020

Check your Ebay Account - $25 Coupon

Word on Twitter tonight was that SOME Ebay accounts (not all) were getting a coupon for $25 off a $25 purchase (before shipping + tax).  

Coupon Code is : HAPPY25

Put some item in your cart (over $25) and enter that code to check if it works before you fuss over this too much.  

I checked my account and it happened to work.  Picked up some 2011 Allen and Ginter inserts, a 2019 Kurt Warner jersey card, and two cookbooks that my wife wanted.  Total of $28 for goods + $6 shipping + $1 tax - $25 coupon = 10 bucks for everything out-of-pocket.  

You could sort by Buy-It-Now, Free Shipping, and limit it to $25+, and you might only be paying a little bit for sales tax if you see something you like.  Enjoy the hunt!  Let me know if it works or doesn't work for you!



  1. Worked for me! Got a 1951 blue back for $4.46. Thanks Josh!

  2. Whoa. That's awesome! Worked for me as well. Thank you for sharing. I was bummed that I woke up at 3:15 this morning and couldn't fall back asleep. This makes me feel a little better.

  3. I saw it on Twitter last night too, but as to be expected, it didn't work for me :(

    1. Bummer. I have no idea why it works for some and not others. I never got an email about it or anything.

  4. I tried it last night and it didn't work for me. I was going to get some Royals cards, but oh well.

    1. Unfortunate. I wish they wouldn't do these selective deals.

  5. Worked for me! I picked up a 1/1 Vogelmonster I had in my watch list for awhile. Woo-Hoo!
    I heard somewhere that it might only work for those Ebay users who have had their account for a certain length of time. I opened mine back in 1999 if that gives you a frame of reference.

    1. Very nice! Looking forward to seeing it!
      Yeah, I have had my account for a similar amount of time (college days), so maybe that plays into it.


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