At the beginning of April, I was trying to wrap up some other trades, when Oscar -- Mr. "Stealing Home" -- from
All Trade Bait contacted me out of the blue for another trade. A few emails later, and boom - a little yellow envelope was showing up at my door.
Now, before I go any wife is cool. She's not a card collector, but she likes looking at what comes through the mail before I put it in the boxes/pages. She also likes the Royals, which means she knows quite a few of the players.
However, when she saw this come out of the package...she was ELATED.
2010 Upper Deck - UDGJ-ZG - Zack Greinke |
The blue in the jersey pops a lot more than it does in the scan. We all thought this card was very "pretty" and liked that it had our (former) player and Cy Young winner. Greinke, how we miss thee.
But Oscar wasn't done. He included this auto:
1996 Leaf Signature Series - #171 - Jon Nunnally |
This card is not serial-numbered...but
COMC tells me that this was limited to 3500, while there was also a silver version limited to 1000, and a gold version limited to 500. That means ol' Jon Nunnally had to sit around and sign 5000 of these. Poor guy's hand is probably still cramping. Although that's nothing like what Marshall Faulk endured when he
autographed 125k cards for the Madden games.
I also have
the Keith Lockhart signature from this set.
1987 Donruss Opening Day - Bo Jackson - #205 |
There were a bunch of cool base cards, and the best one was this Donruss Opening Day Bo Jackson. I had never seen one of these before, so had to do a little research to figure out what it was.
all the goodies I sent him.
Thanks again for the trade!