Friday, August 16, 2013

I'm Gonna Moon Ya

 ....well.  There you go.  You've been mooned.

These are all from my first, and only, pack of  Allen and Ginter for the year.  I buy one pack each year to quench the pack-busting thirst.  I was at a card shop with my nephew and brother-in-law down in Orange County last Saturday and grabbed a hobby pack. My goals for the pack were one interesting insert and one Royals player.  I got a great "MOON" card, and that will go into the oddball keepers collection.

The first card I pulled out of the pack was this guy.
2013 Allen and Ginter - Alex Gordon - #61
Mission:  Accomplished.

The other two interesting pickups were Bob Lemon (SP), and a Denard Span mini (regular back).  Both of these are for trade if someone needs them.
2013 Allen and Ginter - Bob Lemon SP - #311

2013 Allen and Ginter - Denard Span - Mini - #268
The rest of the cards were base cards....Ben Revere (#14), Vida Blue (#146), A.J. Burnett (#199), and Robinson Cano (#242) -- also for trade.

I'm very satisfied with this pack.  I think I will relax a little bit...have some dessert, maybe a moon pie or a Luna bar, close my eyes, and go to my very own sea of tranquility.


  1. Replies
    1. I AM a fan....but it's more of a budget/priorities issue. I also think I can get most of the stuff (especially the KC base) in trades over the next few months.


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