Wednesday, April 11, 2012

What to do with a Sealed Box?

1990 Upper Deck Wax Box
What do I do with this?

This is a sealed box of 1990 Upper Deck (low #).  I bought it at a garage sale for around $3.  Why??  I have no idea.  I thought it would be fun.

I want that Bo Jackson card there on the box.  That's the only card I REALLY want out of here.  There are 4 other cards (Royals or Hershiser) that I still need, but am not desperate for. 

I COULD just open all the packs, but I don't want 300+ random commons to deal with. And I'm not even guaranteed to get the Bo!

Does anyone else have "needs" from this set?  Sammy  Sosa rookie, maybe?  Team collectors?

Should I try to re-sell it at another garage sale?

Should I open until I find the Bo, then throw away the rest? :-)



  1. Build a time machine and go back 20 years ago and make a nice profit.

    Seriously, I would just tuck it away for a while. At some point it will be a neat collectible if you keep it sealed, or at least something fun to open in 2040.

    1. But the time machine will cost more than my whole box of cards!

  2. yeah.. put it away and forget about it. It'll be a fun bust in 10 years.

    1. 10 years!!?!! There's no way I am hanging onto this that long. :-)

      Hanging on would also be incompatible with my sporadic "decluttering" attempts.

  3. 1990 Upper Deck will never be retro or nostalgic, it was so massivly overproduced...hence 3 bucks for a sealed box. I say open it. Noting better than ripping 36 packs of baseball cards in one sitting!

    1. I'm leaning toward this. Maybe someday when I want to bust some wax, but don't want to spend any money...

  4. Save it. Collect some more boxes. Run a cheapo break!

    1. Ha ha ha! If I started bringing home more sealed boxes of junk wax, my wife would probably not be a happy camper. I'm already using up some of her closet space for all my commons as it is!

  5. I find 1990 Upper Deck to be perfect kindling and makes beautiful colors in my fire place.

    It makes me sad. Those cards were so cool. It's a shame they are more plentiful that sand on a beach.

    1. They were cool! I was 10 when these came out, and did NOT have the money for Upper Deck. So these still hold a bit of the "unattainable" aura to me.

  6. If you want to keep the seal, send me your needs. I think I was one of the 27 million people that bought a box or two of that.

    1. I would be looking for numbers:
      10, 105, 138, 256, 274, 361, 384, 642, 710, 733

      But then the 2nd question arises...if I get all those in trade, what do I do with a sealed box that I don't want to open myself??? :-)

  7. Once you've pulled the Bo Jackson, have a contest for the remaining sealed packs on your blog!

    1. Isn't the shipping for one of these more than what a pack is worth?

      That would be the worst contest prize ever! ha ha! :-)

  8. Hold it to October, give out packs to Trick or Treaters. You'd be the coolest guy on the block.

  9. Good idea! Except I only had 2 trick or treaters last year...and those kids wanted CANDY! :-)


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