Saturday, February 9, 2013

Seeing Double

I can't help but see double when I get a package like this in the mail from Jack at Baseball Dad!

2006 Fleer Ultra - Zack Greinke - #152
It's two new Greinkes for me!  2006 Fleer Ultra base and Gold!  Thanks, man.  If you have any Indians or Jim Abbott cards to get rid of, make sure you check with Jack.

This picture captures Greinke's natural state pretty well -- slightly amused, not too concerned, thinking before speaking.  The Dodgers were lucky to get him this offseason - he's a heckuva player and can say some pretty funny stuff in his dry manner.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Dropping the Bomb

Wes from Jaybarkerfan's Junk is one of my favorite bloggers.  He's usually running card drafts or posting about a wide variety of sports cards.  However, lately it seems like he's been spotted on numerous blogs dropping "PWE Bombs" on them.  One crashed into my house!

It was a smattering of Royals...Carlos Beltran, Mark Quinn...then a bunch of 2009 Topps culminating with this guy.
2009 Topps Update Sidney Ponson - #UH286
"Hmmm...that's funny," thought I.  "All the other ones have white borders and this one is black/grey.  Must be some sort of crazy parallel."

Little did I know what I would find when I flipped it over...
That IS a crazy parallel.  CRAZY LOW #!

Thanks so much, Wes!  I didn't have any of these grey ones yet, so it was very fun to see that come through.